
by Iron Maiden

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:08 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Piece of Mind

Song Author

Bruce Dickinson

Tabbed by



1st → Bruce Dickinson
2nd → Dave Murray
3rd → Adrian Smith
4th → Steve Harris
5th → Bruce Dickinson
6th → Nicko McBrain

File Size

82 KB




Oh God of Earth and A- ltar Bow down and hear our cry Our earth-ly rul-es fal-ter Our peo-ple drift and die The walls of gold en-tomb us The swords of scorn di-vide Take not thy thun-der fro-m us Take a-way our pride Just a babe in a black a-byss No rea-son for a place like this The walls are cold, and souls cry out in pain An ea-sy way for the blind to go A cle-ver path for the fools who know The se-cret of the Hang-man the smile on his lips The light of the blind you'll see The ve-nom tears my spine The eyes of the Nile are o-pe-ning you'll see She came to me with a ser-pents kiss As the eye of the sun rose on his lips Moon-light cat-ches sil-ver tears I cry So we lay in a black em-brance And the seed is sown in a h-o-ly place, And I wa-tched and I wai-ted for the dawn. The light of the blind you'll see The ven-om tears my spine The eyes of the Nile are o-pe-ning you'll see Bind all of us to-ge-ther A-blaze with Hope and Free No storm of hea-vy wea-ther Will rock the boat you'll see The time has come to close your eyes And still the wind and rain For the one who will be Ki-ng the Wa-tcher in the ring It is You Oh- It is You


Rock'n Roll �r aldrig fel !